Objective: To found a method to detect the residual solvents of Penicillin Sodium for Injection: butanol, acetic ether and butyl acetate. 前言:目的:建立一种气相色谱法同时测定注射用青霉素钠中有机溶剂丁醇、乙酸乙酯、乙酸丁酯残留量的方法。
OBJECTIVE To develop a new identification and analysis method of penicillin G sodium for injection. 目的建立注射用青霉素钠的新鉴定分析方法。
CONCLUSION The identification of penicillin G sodium for injection can be accomplished with X-ray diffraction. 结论X射线衍射分析可用于注射用青霉素钠的鉴定。
RESULTS The X-ray diffraction pattern of penicillin G sodium for injection was obtained. 结果注射用青霉素钠的X射线衍射图谱中均可检出青霉素钠的特征峰。
Objectives: To observe the effect of transcranial impulse magnetic stimulation ( TIMS) on the cerebral cortex epileptiform discharges induced by penicillin sodium in rats. 前言:目的:观察经颅脉冲磁刺激(TIMS)大鼠对青霉素所致大脑皮层样放电的作用。
Study on the compatible stability of penicillin G sodium and isatis indigotica injection 青霉素G钠与板蓝根注射液配伍的稳定性研究
The saturate and supersaturate characters of procaine penicillin G in sodium chloride aqueous solutions of different temperature, pH and concentration were investigated and analyzed by using laser detection technique. All of this provide the thermodynamic basis for studying on the reactive crystallization of procaine penicillin G. 采用激光测量装置研究了普鲁卡因青霉素在不同温度、不同浓度、不同pH值的氯化钠水溶液中的溶解与超溶解特性,为系统研究普鲁卡因青霉素溶液微粒结晶过程提供了一定的热力学基础。
The necrosis and infection of wounded tissue significantly earlier occurred and were more serious in control group as compared to penicillin sodium group; 对照组的伤口组织坏死、感染情况明显比实验组早且更严重;
Staphylococcus was highly resistant to penicillin, ampicillin, Oxacillin sodium, the first generation cephalosporins, and erythromycin. 葡萄球菌对青霉素、氨苄西林及耐青霉素酶的苯唑青霉素高度耐药;
Shorten the time of extraction process of penicillin G sodium, increase yieid of penicillin and reduce cost of production 缩短青G&Na提炼工艺提高青霉素产率降低生产成本
Effect of early application of penicillin sodium at high doses on craniocerebral explosive injury in dogs 早期应用大剂量青霉素钠对犬颅脑爆震伤的影响
CONCLUSION: Early proper treatment with penicillin sodium at high doses for craniocerebral explosive injury in dogs can reduce the infection incidences of gram positive bacteria and anaerobic bacteria, relieve the secon-dary injury, and prolong the mean survival time of the injured dogs. 结论:颅脑爆震伤后早期应用大剂量青毒素钠可减少机体感染革兰氏阳性菌及厌氧菌的机率,减轻继发损伤的程度,延长机体创伤后存活时间。
The results could be used in the crystallization procedure of penicillin G potassium or penicillin G sodium. 试验结果可用于青霉素G钾或青霉素G钠结晶过程。
Penicillin and ceftriaxone sodium are often used in combination; 二联用药多为青霉素与头孢曲松钠联用;
The results in the experiment of slices indicated that the different dosage could have different inhibition on excitability induced by penicillin sodium. In vivo after the direct. 在苦参碱对青霉素钠诱导的大鼠海马脑片CA1区群峰电位(PS)影响的实验研究中,实验结果显示不同剂量苦参碱能够不同程度地抑制青霉素钠诱导的海马神经细胞兴奋性。
The result shows that antibiotics can not only prevent contamination by microbes from culturing materials but also affect the embryoid yield through three kinds of antibiotics including Penicillin G sodium, Cefotaxime sodium and Streptomycin sulfate. 通过对青霉素钠、头孢噻肟钠和硫酸链霉素三种抗菌素的实验发现,抗菌素不但可以防止培养材料的污染,而且影响胚状体的产量。
Penicillin G sodium salt mass transfer coefficients in aqueous two-phase system using a packed extraction column Penicillin G acylase from E. 用填料萃取塔时青霉素G钠盐在双水相系统中的传质性能采用渗透压冲击法提取大肠杆菌E。
AIM: To observe the effect of pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation ( PTMS) on the cerebral cortex epileptiform discharges ( CCED) induced by penicillin sodium in rats and to investigate its possible mechanisms. 目的:观察无创伤经颅脉冲磁刺激(PTMS)对青霉素所致大脑皮质痫样放电(CCED)的作用,进一步探讨PTMS作用于大脑皮质及小脑蚓部后,对CCED作用的可能机制。
The kinds of chemicals commonly used were antipyretic analgesic anti-inflammatory drugs, digestive system drugs, respiratory drugs, and the antibiotics commonly used were cephradine, amoxicillin, penicillin sodium, cefalexin, ceftriaxone. 农村基层医生常用的化学药物的种类为解热镇痛抗炎类、消化系统用药、呼吸系统用药,使用较多的抗生素为头孢拉定、阿莫西林、青霉素钠、头孢氨苄、头孢曲松。
The results are as follows: 1. Streptomycin, chloramphenicol and penicillin can inhibit the color reaction of ammonium with sodium chlorate and phenol. Similarly, the antibiotics above can also inhibit the color reaction of ammonium with salicylic acid. 主要结果如下:1.链霉素、氯霉素和青霉素均能抑制铵态氮与次氯酸钠和苯酚反应生成靛酚蓝;同样,上述抗生素亦能抑制水杨酸比色法的显色反应。
Comparing to sodium penicillin, sanguinarine marked inhibitory effect, toward staphylococcus aureus bacteria and e.coli in the antimicrobial effect were higher than penicillin sodium. 与青霉素钠相比,血根碱的抑菌效力明显,对金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠抗菌的抑菌作用均大于青霉素钠。